Home / TRX radar augmented tow target

TRX radar augmented tow target

The Parker Meggitt TRX radar-augmented tow target is designed for use with any gun or missile weapons system that requires a radar signature for acquisition, tracking, ranging, guidance or fusing.

The TRX’s normally passive radar-augmentation system uses the arrangement of lenses or reflectors to change the target radar signature to effectively emulate a variety of airborne threats.

The TRX also operates within a wide range of bands to meet precision radar signature requirements. Varying Radar Cross Section (RCS) sizes are provided by either the TRX-1 4 passive precision target or through active augmentation. ultra-small, (stealth type) radar characteristics are also available.

To increase the system’s value for testing and training, the TRX has the capability to support virtually any current acoustic or doppler radar scoring system.